Friday, March 8, 2013

Marriage and Wedding customs in the Philippines

Traditional marriage customs in the Philippines and Filipino wedding practices pertain to the characteristics of marriage and wedding traditions established and adhered to by Filipino men and women in the Philippines after a period of courtship and engagement. These traditions extend to other countries around the world where Filipino communities exist. Kasalan is the Filipino word for "wedding", while its root word – kasal – means "marriage". The present-day character of marriages and weddings in the Philippines were primarily influenced by the permutation of native, Christian, Catholic, Protestant, Spanish, and American models.

Historical overview
A typical ancient traditional Filipino wedding, during pre-colonial times, is held for three days and was officiated by a babaylan, a tribal priest or priestess. The house of the babaylan was the ceremonial center for the nuptial. On the first day, the couple was brought to the priest's home, where the babaylan blesses them, while their hands are joined over a container of uncooked rice. On the third day, the priest would prick their chests to draw a small amount of blood, which will be placed on a container to be mixed with water. After announcing their love for each other for three times, they were fed by the priest with cooked rice coming from a single container. Afterwards, they were to drink the water that was mixed with their blood. The priest proclaimed that they are officially wed after their necks and hands were bound by a cord or, sometimes, once their long hairs had been entwined together. In lieu of the babaylan, the datu or a wise elder may also officiate a pre-colonial Filipino wedding.
After the ceremony, while at the just-married couple's residence, a series of gift-exchanging rituals was also done to counter the negative responses of the bride: if asked to enter her new home, if she refuses to go up the stairs of the dwelling, if she denies to participate in the marriage banquet, or even to go into her new bedroom, a room she would be sharing with her spouse.
Spanish colonialism brought changes to these marriage rituals because of the teachings and conversion efforts of Spanish missionaries, which occurred as early as the 18th century. As a result, the majority of current-day Filipino weddings became predominantly Christian or Catholic in character, which is also because of the mostly Catholic population, although indigenous traditions still exist today in other regions of the Philippines. Parts of Filipino wedding ceremonies have become faith-centered and God-centered, which also highlights the concept that the joining of two individuals is a "life long commitment" of loving and caring In general, the marriage itself does not only signify the union of two persons, but also the fusion of two families, and the unification two clans.

The following are the legal requirements that must be met in order to marry in the Philippines. To be specific, the exact wordings as stated in Philippine marriage law are presented below:
  • Legal capacity of the contracting parties who must be a male and a female, 18 years old and above without any impediment to get married.
  • Consent freely given in the presence of the solemnizing officer.
  • Authority of the solemnizing officer (only incumbent member of the judiciary; priest, rabbi, imam, or minister of any church or religious sect duly authorized by his church or religious sect and registered with the civil registrar general; ship captain or airplane chief, military commander of a unit to which a chaplain is assigned, in the absence of the latter, during a military operation only in marriages at the point of death; and consul-general, consul or vice-consul only between Filipino citizens abroad are authorized by law to solemnize marriage).
Marriage law in the Philippines also requires couples to attend a seminar on family planning before the wedding day in order to become responsible family life and parenthood. The seminar is normally conducted at a city hall or a municipal council.

Some officiating ministers or churches require the couple to present a certificate of no marriage record (CENOMAR), on top of or together with the marriage license and the authority of the solemnizing officer. The CENOMAR can be secured from the National Statistics Office or its designated offices and branches.[

Marriage proposal
The traditional marriage proposal takes the form of the pamanhikan or pamamanhikan or the "parental marriage proposal", a formal way of asking the parents of the woman for her hand. The would-be groom and his parents go to the would-bride's home, and ask the parents for their consent. Once the woman's parents accept the proposal, other matters will be discussed during this meeting include among other things, the wedding plan, the date, the finances, and the list of guests. The expenses for the wedding are generally shouldered by the groom and his family.
Pamamanhikan enforces the importance of the familial nature of the wedding, as traditionally a marriage is the formation of an alliance between two clans as well as the joining of individuals. This is sometimes further expressed in how the whole extended family goes with the groom and his parents, using the occasion as a chance to meet and greet the other clan. In this situation, there is a feast held at the bride's family home.
This event is separate from the Despedida de Soltera (Spanish: "Farewell to Single-hood") party some families have before the wedding. The local variant of the Hispanic custom normally holds it for the bride, and it is held by her family. It is similar in sentiment to the hen night, albeit a more wholesome and formal version.

Wedding announcement
After the pamamanhikan, the couple performs the pa-alam or "wedding announcement visitations". In this custom, the couple goes to the homes of relatives to inform the latter of their status as a couple and the schedule of their nuptial. It is also during this visits when the couple personally delivers their wedding invitations.[9]
Wedding date and invitation
The typical Filipino wedding invitation contains the date and venue for the wedding ceremony and for the wedding reception, as well as the names and roles of the principal sponsors of the bride. Weddings in the Philippines are commonly held during the month of June.
Ceremonial protocol
Wedding attire
Barong Tagalog

A Filipino groom wearing a collarless version of the Barong Tagalog.
Bride's garment
The Filipino bride's attire is typically made of a custom-made white wedding gown. This is from the American influence of dressing the woman on her wedding day.
Groom's apparel
The Filipino groom's clothing is the Barong Tagalog, a formal and traditional transparent, embroidered and button-up shirt made from jusi (also spelled as husi) fabric made from pineapple fibers. This formal Filipino male's apparel is worn untucked with a white T-shirt beneath, and over a black pair of pants.
Wedding ceremony
Generally, the wedding ceremony proper in the Philippines includes the celebration of a one-hour long mass. The Filipino groom arrives one hour earlier than the Filipina bride for the purpose of receiving wedding guests at the church. The bride will arrive later on board a wedding car, then gets off the vehicle to meet her waiting groom. The groom could be waiting with his parents. Afterwards, the groom and the bride performs the bridal procession or the wedding march. During the nuptial, the bride holds an heirloom rosary along with her traditional bridal bouquet.
Ceremonial sponsors, witnesses, and participants
The principal wedding sponsors – also known as special sponsors, primary sponsors, counselors, or witnesses of the marriage ceremony – chosen by the would-be spouses normally includes a multiple set of pairs of godparents (typically a total of 12 individual godparents composed of 6 godmothers or ninang, and 6 godfathers or ninong). Chosen secondary sponsors are made up of the bridesmaids, groomsmen, and 3 more pairs of wedding attendants. The wedding attendants are responsible for the special parts of lighting the wedding candles, placing the veil and the cords on the couple being wed. Other official ceremonial participants are children, usually males, with the role of being the coin bearer and the ring bearer.
Ceremonial paraphernalia
Ceremonial paraphernalia in Filipino weddings include the wedding rings, the wedding arrhae, the wedding candles, the wedding veils, and the wedding cord. The ring bearer acts as the holder and keeper of the rings until the exchanging of rings is performed, while the coin bearer acts as the holder and keeper of the arrhae until it is offered and given by the groom to his bride. Among the secondary sponsors or wedding attendants, three pairs – each pair consists of a male and female secondary sponsors – are chosen to function as lighters of the wedding candles, handlers of the wedding veils, and placers of the wedding cord.
Wedding rings and the arrhae
After the exchange of wedding rings by the couple, the groom gives the wedding arrhae to his bride. The arrhae is a symbol of his "monetary gift" to the bride because it is composed of 13 pieces of gold, or silver, coins, a "pledge" that the groom is devoted to the welfare and well-being of his wife and future offspring. Both rings and arrhae are blessed first by the priest during the wedding.
Wedding candles
The lighters of the wedding candles, known as the candle sponsors, light the pair of candles, one on each side of the couple. For Christians, this embodies the presence of God in the marital union.
Many weddings add the ritual of the "unity candle" which signifies the joining of their two families. The couple takes the two lighted candles and together lights a single candle. For Christians, lighting this single candle symbolizes the invocation of Jesus Christ into their life as a married couple. The use of the unity candle is rooted in Protestant and American culture.
Wedding veils
After the ritual of lighting candles, a pair of secondary sponsors known as the veil sponsors will pin the veil(s) on the couple. Two forms of this tradition exist, with either one long, white-coloured veil draped over the shoulder of the groom and above the bride's head, or pinning two separate veils, one on the groom's shoulder and the other on the bride. The veiling ritual signifies the clothing of two individuals who have become one due to the ceremony of marriage.
Wedding cord
After the veiling ritual, the pair of secondary sponsors, known as the cord sponsors, will then drape a cord over the shoulders of the groom and the bride. This decorative cord is called the yugal and is customarily shaped or looped to form the figure 8 (or alternately, the infinity sign), to symbolise "everlasting fidelity".[1][2] Each loop of the cord is placed around the invidual neck-and-shoulder area of the bride and the groom.
Apart from silk, other popular materials are used to make the wedding cord such as a string of flowers, links of coins, or a cord designed like a long rosary.
Wedding reception
During the wedding reception, it is typical to release a pair of white male and female doves, symbolising marital harmony and peace. These are placed in a cage or receptacle, which can be opened by pulling ribbons or cords or manually opened and released by the couple themselves. After their release from their cage, the person who catches them may take them home to rear as pets.
Tossing the bouquet is for the most part uncommon for the bride to do though it is increasingly being observed by younger couples. Instead, the bride traditionally offers it at a side altar or image of either the Virgin Mary, a patron saint, or leaves it at the grave of a significant deceased relative.

Wedding superstitions
Filipinos have also developed superstitions that are related to marriage and weddings.
Pre-colonial customs include the groom or bride avoiding travel beforehand to prevent accidents from happening. The bride must not wear pearls as these are similar to tears, and a procession of men holding bolos and musicians playing agongs must be done. This march was also done after the ceremony until the newly-wed couple reaches their abode. The purpose of this procession is similar to the current practise of breaking plates during the wedding reception, in order to shoo away bad luck.
During Spanish colonisation, the Spaniards introduced new beliefs with particular concern over banning activities that may cause broken marriages, sadness and regret. Wedding gowns cannot be worn in advance  as any black-coloured clothing during the ceremony, and sharp objects cannot be given as gifts.
Other Filipino beliefs hold that typhoons on wedding days may bring bad fortune; that after the ceremony the bride should walk ahead of her husband or step on his foot to prevent being dominated by him; an extinguished candle during the ceremony is an omen that the groom or bride will die ahead (depending on which candle on whose side was blown out); and an accidentally dropped wedding ring, wedding veil, or wedding arrhae will cause marital misery.
Superstitious beliefs on good fortune include showering the married couple with uncooked rice, as this wishes them a prosperous life together. The groom's arrival at the venue ahead of his bride also diminishes dire fate. In addition, a single woman who will follow the footsteps of a newly-married couple may enhance her opportunity to become a bride herself.
Siblings are not permitted to marry within the calendar year as this is considered bad luck. The remedy to this belief, called sukob, is to have the one marrying later pass through the back entrance of the church instead of its main doors.


Wedding Ceremony Sequence | Prayers for: Wedding Coins | Couple's Veil & Cord | Candles

Wedding Ceremony Traditions

Filipino Weddings reflect the strong traditions of family (& extended family) and symbolism. Thus, Filipino wedding ceremonies typically involve many people, and the wedding rituals typically "speak" to the couple personally.

Beyond the usual bridal party, the Filipino wedding involves people who are also significant in the couple's life: the Principal Sponsors and the Secondary Sponsors.

The Principal Sponsors (aka Ninang and Ninong): These are women and men whom the bride and groom respect & admire. They are, as in the early days of the Church, sponsors of the couple attesting to their readiness for marriage and freedom to marry. These are often aunts and uncles or close friends of the family. In the Philippines, they are the official witnesses of the state and they sign the marriage license. Worldwide, their participation is symbolic of the wisdom & support they shall offer the new couple. The number of sponsors can vary from a single couple to many couples. The Principal sponsors are part of the bridal procession. At the nuptial blessing, they may also be invited to come up with the celebrant and to extend their right hands to join in the prayer of blessing. In doing so, they are fulfilling their roles as sponsors.

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The Secondary Sponsors: These are women and men whom the couple chooses to involve in their ceremony because of their affinity or friendship with them. They are typically relatives or close friends.

There are four sets of Secondary Sponsors:

The Coin Sponsors - those who will present the Unity Coins / Arras. Often, they will also provide the Unity Coins.
Alternately, the coins may be brought to the altar by a coin bearer who is a child (relative or friend).

The Wedding Coins (also known as: Arras [ah-rahs] or Arrhae [ar-rah-heh]) have traditionally symbolized the prosperity that would be shared by the new couple, and the groom's promise to provide for the welfare of the new family.
*However, today's couples embrace life & face the world together in a more mutually supportive way than ever before. So, the Wedding Coins have come to symbolize the couple's commitment to mutually contributing to their relationship, their children, and their community.
Prayers for: Wedding Coins

The Veil Sponsors - those who will place a white veil over the shoulders of the couple.
The Couple's Veil (white) has come to be a symbol of purity. Its original meaning was the symbol of the presence of the Lord, as the cloud was a symbol of His presence. It is placed over the shoulders of the couple to symbolize their union and being "clothed as one" in unity.
Prayers for: Couple's Veil & Cord

The Cord Sponsors - those who will place a knotted cord over the heads of the couple, to lay on their shoulders.
The Cord is a symbol of the couple's bond; that indeed they are no longer two but one in their new life as a couple.
Prayers for: Couple's Veil & Cord

The Candle Sponsors - those who will light the candles on the altar.
The candles symbolize the Light of Christ, the same light they received at Baptism and now receive again to lead them in their new life as a couple. Some couples choose to have their mothers or fathers light the candles in this ritual.
Prayers for: Candles

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In order for the congregation to understand the meaning of the actions and the various symbols:
a. the celebrant may preface the action before calling on the secondary sponsors.
b. have another person read a commentary explaining the actions
c. the couple may print a short explanation in their program.

Sequence of symbols in the Wedding Ceremony

Lighting of the candles usually takes place before the readings. The candles may also be lit at the beginning of the ceremony.
Prayers for: Candles

The sharing/exchange of the Wedding Coins / Arrhae takes place immediately after the exchange of rings. The Wedding Coins are blessed, and then the celebrant gives it to the couple to share or pass from one to the other.
Prayers for: Wedding Coins

The Couple's Veil is placed over the shoulders of the couple as they kneel side-by-side. This is usually done immediately after the exchange of arrhae and before the General Intercession.
Prayers for: Couple's Veil & Cord

The placing of the Cord follows after the veil is in place.
Prayers for: Couple's Veil & Cord

*If the bride and groom want to be part of the Offertory, either as gift bearers or as those receiving the gifts from the bearers and handing them to the celebrant, then the veil and cord are placed after that. Once the veil and cord are in place, they are to remain kneeling until after Communion. IF the bride and groom would like to participate in the Sign of Peace the veil and cord can be removed after the nuptial blessing.

Blessing of the Wedding Coins / Arras / Arrhae:

Blessing of the Wedding Coins / Arras / Arrhae #1

(name of Coin Bearer) will present the pillow with the coins.

Originally, there was an understanding of husband as "bread winner" and wife as "home maker" so the coins were given and received not in a spirit of reciprocity but in a give/take relationship.

Nowadays the coins are a reminder of good stewardship for all couples; that they will mutually support each other, their children and the world around them.

(As the couple exchange the coins):
One says: (name of spouse), take these coins as a pledge of our commitment to share God's gifts.

The other says: (name of spouse), I accept and treasure your gift. Let us together always share God's blessings

Blessing of the Wedding Coins / Arras / Arrhae #2

(name of Coin Bearer) will present the pillow with the coins.

Lord, bless these coins. Grant (names of couple) not only material possessions, but abundant spiritual strength, which these coins symbolize, so that they use them to bless others and to attain eternal life. Hold the coins in your hands as a sign that your blessings will no longer be held separately, but together. And may you always show that whatever gift you may have in this life is not ultimately yours but the Lords.

(One of the couple) lets the coins fall into the hands of the other)

One says:
(name of spouse), accept these coins as a pledge of my total dedication and constant concern for your welfare. In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Blessing of the Wedding Coins / Arras / Arrhae #3

(name of Coin Bearer) will present the pillow with the coins.

May God bless these coins / arras as a sign of mutual support and responsibility.

(One of the couple): I give you these coins as a pledge of my dedication to you, the care of our home, and the welfare of our children.

(The other): I accept them and in the same way pledge my dedication to you, the care of our home, and the welfare of our children.

Wedding Ceremony Prayers for Couple's Veil & Cord:

Prayer for Couple's Veil & Cord #1

(reader / celebrant reads as Veil Sponsors place veil over couple's shoulders):
(couple's names), at Baptism you were clothed with the white garments symbolizing the new life of purity and joy in the Lord, to which the Risen Christ has called you. We clothe you again with this precocious garment as you enter into the new phase of your life with God. Wear it unstained and let the joy of the spirit shine forth to you and your children whom the Lord's loving design will bring into your life.

(reader / celebrant reads as Cord Sponsors place cord over couple's shoulders):
This cord symbolizes the love of God which brings your hearts and souls together. May your love grow stronger and bind you closer together through years, from here to eternity. We ask this from the Father, through Christ our Lord.

ALL: Amen.

Prayer for Couple's Veil & Cord #2

(reader / celebrant reads as Veil Sponsors place veil over couple's shoulders):
Let this veil be a symbol of the faithful love you have for each other.

(reader / celebrant reads as Cord Sponsors place cord over couple's shoulders):
May this cord remind you to face your life together courageously and to be mutual in support of each other in carrying out your duties and responsibilities as a couple.

ALL: Amen.

Prayer for Couple's Veil & Cord #3

(reader / celebrant reads as Veil Sponsors place veil over couple's shoulders):
The Veil covers this couple today reminding them and us that Christ covers us in his love. Their new home will be a place where God dwells because this couple chooses to be under the mantel of his love.

(reader / celebrant reads as Cord Sponsors place cord over couple's shoulders):
The Cord, looped and crossed in the middle is wrapped around the bride and groom to symbolize the Blessed Trinity; The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, who are one and the same. The cord symbolizes this same union and the infinite nature of marriage.

ALL: Amen.

Prayer for Couple's Veil & Cord #4

(reader / celebrant reads as Veil Sponsors place veil over couple's shoulders):
Lord, with this veil, which represents this couple's union and mutual surrender to each other, may you always protect (names of couple) from any harm and strengthen them to provide continuous moral and spiritual support to each other and their children. May they remain loyal helpmates to each other as they carry life�s burden with joy.

(reader / celebrant reads as Cord Sponsors place cord over couple's shoulders):
Lord, with this cord, may the bond of love and friendship uniting (names of couple) grow stronger over the years. May they remain united to you all their lives knowing, loving and serving in each other and the community.

ALL: Amen.

Prayer for Couple's Veil & Cord #5

(reader / celebrant reads as Veil Sponsors place veil over couple's shoulders):
(names of couple), (names of Veil Sponsors) will now place a veil over you. Let this be a symbol of the faithful love you have for each other. Through the passing of the years, let the veil remind you that you belong to each other and to no one else, and that the love you have for each other becomes more beautiful in self-surrender that is total and pure.

(reader / celebrant reads as Cord Sponsors place cord over couple's shoulders):
(names of couple), (names of Veil Sponsors) will lay the cord on you to remind you of your responsibility to hold each other with the tenderness that Christ has for His Church. Keep the bond of your love steadfast so that you can support one another throughout your lives.

Wedding Ceremony Prayers for Candles / Unity Candle:

Prayer for candle lighting #1

(couple's names), will now light center Unity Candle. You will take the flame from the candles which your (names of candle lighters) have lighted. You will see that this center candle is larger than the other two because it is the new family that has been formed today as you repeated your vows and will be a blending of all the love, traditions and experiences you have both shared with your individual families. It is also larger because the middle candle represents Christ, who has brought you both together for this moment and to remind you that He is with you always as a partner in your marriage, to guard and to guide you in all that you do.

Prayer for candle lighting #2

(reader / celebrant): The ceremonies (refers to candle, coins, veil & cord) you are about to witness are uniquely and traditionally a part of the Filipino wedding.

Lighting of the Candles
(candle lighters come forward to light the candles)

(reader / celebrant) continues: (couple's names), (names of candle lighters) now light the candles for you. The candles represent the light from God that you will need to guide you throughout the rest of your married life. The candles also express the silent promise that the couple will continue to be light and warmth to each other for life.

Lighting of the Unity Candle by the couple
The couple comes forward to light the center Unity Candle.

(reader / celebrant) continues:
Take the flame from the candles which your mothers have lit. This center candle is a sign that a new family has been formed today blending all the love, traditions and experiences you have both shared with your individual families. It also represents Christ, who has brought you both together for this moment and to remind you that He is with you always as a partner in your marriage, to guard and guide you in all that you do.

Prayer for candle lighting #3

(reader / celebrant) reads as the candle lighters light the candles:
(couple's names), (names of candle lighters) now light the candles that represent the light from God.

(reader / celebrant) continues as the couple lights the center candle:
As you light the Christ candle let it remind you that Christ is with you always as a partner in your marriage, to guard and guide you in all that you do.

Prayer for candle lighting #4

(reader / celebrant): Today, as candles are lit at the altar, remember the light of Christ that burns in all Christian hearts and our responsibility to share that light with the world, especially in this celebration of Eucharist.

Prayer for candle lighting #5

(reader / celebrant reads as the candle lighters light the candles):
Today, as candles are lit at the altar, remember the light of Christ that burns in all Christian hearts and our responsibility to share that light with the world, especially in this celebration of Eucharist.

(reader / celebrant continues to read as couple lights the unity candle):
Take the flame from the candles which your mothers have lit. This center candle is a sign that a new family has been formed today blending all the love, traditions and experiences you have both shared with your individual families. It also represents Christ, who has brought you both together for this moment and to remind you that He is with you always as a partner in your marriage, to guard and guide you in all that you do.


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